Learning Process – Publication
Many of us know Shannon’s Information theory along with Electronics and many other factors initiated new leapfrog advancements unique in the history but its timing was perfect and happened when post war vacuum of products and surging demands. His small publication in 1948, initiated one of the few enabling processes for advancing computers and communications systems. There have been many more researchers whose contributions to the humanity felt through a simple publication.
Traditionally, a successful research is justified publication under one of two/three following extreme requirements: (1) the main outcome of the research has been patented and product is due to be launched into the market then some publicity would help to ensure its successful deployment (technology); (2) long-term running project where outcomes and deployment have to wait for a successful chain of new discoveries or methods where at the cost of expending the competition publication can share the outcome for other researchers to help and contribute(technology); (3) on-going scientific discoveries where all scientists are expected to publish their research discoveries to minimize any possible duplications(scientific).
However, we observe the following trends in research paper publication media:
-Industries’ contribution to research Journals have been declining rapidly
-collaboration between academia and industries been reducing extensively and majority of remaining projects carry minimum weights in practical deployments of new discoveries
-very poor quality of writing, carelessness and poor presentation made content of most published research papers unreadable;
-though understandably computer simulation have been increased extensively but seeing such a high majority of research publications not to go beyond simulation built upon inaccurate superiority upon vague and impractical assumptions neither attract any potential applications make them not much worthier than the value of their printed piece of paper.
Using publication just as a measure of one’s capability is however wrong and improper. This process, in effect, can destroy the foundations of the process research as it is moving towards its global level. If publication is used as a requirement for research degrees then the artificial objectives could generate a bubble. The same applies to use of paper publication as a measure of promotion. For example, an academic employer who never been involved with industries or deployment of a new system may not be able to evaluate the value of ‘research publication’ be promoted to higher research level controlling other researchers in the establishment.
Value for publishing a technology research paper generally measured upon few basic factors:
-discovery of wrong doings as many processes happen to become redundant, risky and even anti-productive
-better understanding of natural and social sciences
-developing new superior tools and devices
-contribution in form of changing the norms for new trends
Looking for solutions, in order to turn around these days’ wasteful research madness and to help with saving critical and valuable lives of young human resources one may begin with answering few basic questions associated with a research paper publication:
-is publicity essential component for publishing the paper?
-is index order of the Journal in scoreboards effective part of publication?
-is journal’s broadness of the scope essential part of publication?
Though best decision is on authors’ to choose best Journal or Conference to home the paper but worth to reconsider the case and question the value of publicity against the amount of details being published. That is, once a student or young researcher the hype could be very high result in giving away valuable and patentable novel idea. That is, if one day one decides to make of the research work for new developments then published materials could cause serious problems for securing a successful product. Equally, if the research work is extendable publishing the core process could reduce chance of doing further publications as the project grows.
Potentially, we divide the research publication process into two main partners of Publishers (service providers) and the Authors (customers). This simple model may help to clarify essential factors and relationships signify the characteristics of two groups.