SMC for Productivity

Over last few decades most large traditional companies lost grip of their business control changed rapidly expanding into giant and unmanageable dinosaurs before collapse, leaving behind some to survive either through tight connections or by taking timely business decisions adopting new strategic measures, venture capitals and outsourcing. However, continuous changes of technological developments in microelectronics, wireless, computing, internet and smart sensors created disturbing changes in the systems developments in conjunction with rapid political changes, global markets’ tough competition and emerging societies injected man made recessions speeded further break down of once dominating large industries leaving huge industrial vacuums of pre renaissance Europe at global level.

This industrial vacuum in the leading industrial nations giving now a unique chance to a new form of anti-productive shallow opportunity for virtual business possibility often called small and medium enterprises (SME). Due to the vague meaning and shallow opportunistic term of ‘enterprise’ we rather change term ‘Enterprise’ to ‘Companies’, (SMC). Here, SMC can help these smaller industries with professionalism and teaming up experts’ cooperative for with a purpose for a service.

Under the new name then small can still enjoy proverb ‘small is beautiful’ operating within their agility and light financial commitments and for the operation. Like traditional local convenience shops, they are able to limit their boundaries for a clearly defined market normally in the sector of services, redistribution and consultancies where internet could be of great help.

Productivity is an essential success factor for SMC operations and therefore its positive feedback enables new trends so SMC may dominate future service industries whilst some expand into larger to become effective players of future global industrial arena, but not without any veracity and trust.

Here, like any large companies a SMC expected to have integrity and clarity of measures for its operation such as mission, objectives and values.